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Welcome to,

Rachel Kirk Life Coaching

Are you looking for more joy, creativity and well-being?

During these challenging times many people are feeling stuck and finding it difficult to navigate life. I specialize in transitions. Let’s work together to build a life you love.

Mission Statement:

My intention is to guide my clients into personal and spiritual transformation.

My Vision is to:

Help you realize your dreams, goals and inner beauty and coach you to awaken your full potential, discover your value and to inspire you to live a life of purpose.

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Why Choose Me:

 “Rachel has a blackbelt in listening.” Pat F

If you have a desire to see yourself more clearly, push past old beliefs and move forward with joy, I can help!

  • Help individuals who have lost touch with their deeper power and meaning 

  • Discover any lost confidence and faith in yourself and helping you get unstuck

  • Guide people to realize their full potential and move forward

  • Emphasize your own uniqueness, strengths, values and capabilities


Sign Up For Weekly Quote:

“The world is longing for the generosity of well rested people.”

-Parker Palmer

What to Expect from me:

I specialize in big life transitions-mid-life, career, illness and relationships. I hold a safe container for exploring the edges of your comfort zone and discovering the rewards.

I highly recommend at least 4 sessions to best facilitate and establish a solid foundation for positive change and deeper transformational work.

My sessions are conducted by phone, zoom, or in person. I have a home office in lower Queen Anne. We follow Covid guidelines.


When purchasing 4 sessions upfront the 5th session is complimentary. During the summer of 2021, I am offering a special rate of $50.00 per session.

You can expect a comprehensive and timely turnaround of session notes. I will assign you homework and self-reflection exercises, which propel you towards rapid attainment of your goals.

If you feel it is time for you to live a more inspired life, take action now! Fill out the contact form below to schedule a complementary 20-minute discovery call.


“Rachel helped me rediscover strengths and talents I had forgotten or were buried in my stress.” -Brice Butler

Let’s Connect and Discuss Your Possibilities

Book Now!


“For those who are ready or yearning for change, Rachel Kirk provides a safe, warm place where the heart can be playful and express itself.  Her weekly sessions, homework, and frequent e-mails transformed me from a person searching for heart-centered work to a person who knows what I want to do for the rest of my life.  Part coach, part cheerleader, and always supportive, Rachel also guided me through the difficulties of divorce and relocation.  She gave me, or helped me uncover, a deep and abiding trust in myself--an empowering confidence that I can meet whatever arises with strength, compassion, and courage.”


-Claudia Johnson, Author and Teacher

"Rachel is an intuitive which means she has a way of seeing in me that which I cannot see myself.  I found my sessions with Rachel to be illuminating in that she found the core of what was holding me back in life.  Only then was I able to give it less merit and focus on the gifts I have to offer in life.  She unlocks what is hidden and affirms what the heart already knows. She speaks the language of the heart and helped me trade distorted thoughts for space and possibility in my life. I would highly recommend Rachel to anyone in transition, between jobs, or who is contemplating their next life decision.”


-Susan Alotrico,   Teacher

"While I was preparing to serve in the Peace Corps, I was experiencing a lot of doubt about what I had to offer.  Rachel enabled me to see doubt for what it was worth, a fear with no merit, and let go of any thoughts that did not serve me.  I am grateful to have had Rachel's insight to activate my sense of purpose and move through this challenging transition with renewed confidence."


-S.A.  Education specialist

“To put it succinctly, Rachel saved my life.  I was struggling with some very big challenges including the death of my parents, when I was fortunate enough to start working with Rachel.  She has a patient, grounded, and totally engaged style.  Rachel’s unique insight and attention to the “not so obvious” parts that dwell in all of us simply adds to her ability to journey with you.  I recommend her without hesitation.” 


-KSS  Master Chef


For 12 years I worked as Executive Director of the American Cancer Society, which taught me a compassionate successful style for professional and personal relationships.

Over the years I have learned to navigate and develop valuable resources from complex organizations and people in the fields of public health, hotel management and property management.


Volunteer work with Cancer Lifeline, Seattle Insight Meditation Society and personal growth courses have deepened my empathy and wisdom.


I received my certification from the Seattle Life Coach Training Institute.


​“I would highly recommend Rachel to anyone in transition, between jobs, or who is contemplating their next life decision.”-SA

About Me


Rachel Kirk

For 12 years I worked as Executive Director of the American Cancer Society, which taught me a compassionate successful style for professional and personal relationships.

Over the years I have learned to navigate and develop valuable resources from complex organizations and people in the fields of public health, hotel management and property management.

Volunteer work with Cancer Lifeline, Seattle Insight Meditation Society and personal growth courses have deepened my empathy and wisdom.


I received my certification from the Seattle Life Coach Training Institute.


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